Safety Compliance
Home / Services / Safety ComplianceSafety Compliance :

Facility Audits –
All carriers are required by law to fulfill certain obligations at all times. Many will want to know their stand before officials initiate a facility audit. Audits are conducted to ascertain compliance with the National Safety Code and FMSCA. Proactive approach looks at how well your drive files are kept, company policies and maintenance files. Voluntary audits are highly recommended by both the U.S. and Canadian governments. In non-voluntary audit, the officers can provide recommendations on the best way to address the areas of concerns. CSA, created in 2010, is mandated to regulate and promote safety by assessing carriers on roads, driver fatigue and vehicle maintain ace. These factors are then awarded values and a score of more than 60% on any area can trigger an audit resulting in fines.
Three main type of audits are:
1. MTO Audit – Ministry of transportation audit
2. DOT Audit – US authority audit
3. Insurance Audit
ELD/Log book Auditing & Compliance Log book Auditing & Compliance: For Log Book Audit and compliance we carry out a detailed review process to provide assessment reports to our clients.
Firstly, we review all logbooks maintained by the drivers and provide assessment to ensure that every driver follows rules and regulations. We submit the individual reports for every driver to identify the areas which require training.
Training and education is provided to the staff to ensure that the logbook violations do not take place as they have the capacity to spoil the carrier’s reputation with the authorities and thereby even result in cancellation of license. We have a specific to method of analysing and evaluating the logbook compliance and also provide training to those drivers to make sure that there is compliant and uniformity within the company.
Vehicle Safety Audit
Compliance with the set regulations as they apply to commercial vehicles requires one to keep records that meet the standards of all jurisdictions that the vehicle plies. We at Quick Truck Permits and Authorities have developed systems to track your fleet safety dates and keep you updated. We conduct our audits professionally using the same strict standards as used by the government’s auditors. The aim is to evaluate your current record keeping system and vehicle maintenance history to determine whether they meet the set requirements. We have developed several programs to assist you meet these regulations. They include attending your monthly safety meetings, training your drivers after accidents to prevent future risk and fatigue management.
Safety Meetings One of the most important factors when it comes to being a carrier is the safety of truck. It is the responsibility of our company to ensure proper training is provided to prevent any accidents. For this we provide safety trainings and management programs which will help the staff handle the situation better. Every month, safety meetings are conducted to teach the drivers on how to prevent accidents that are common and critical. Similarly, if the driver had got involved in an accident post accident re-training is provided immediately to ensure that the driver is fully equipped and competent. One of the most important among the safety management is fatigue management. Fatigue is considered to be the major contributor of accidents and therefore our fatigue manager manages and monitors trucks to identify the drivers who might be fatigue.